Monday, June 27, 2011

"When the One You Loved so Much Said Goodbye to You"

According to the book, "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, God chose the two right people with the perfect genes to create us, His children. I am so blessed to have parents like my mom and dad. I am fortunate that God gave me such hardworking, supportive and loving parents. Both of them gave me the most important things in life, roots to stand still in the midst of pains and wings to fly high. I was born provided everything that I needed and wanted. They supported me all through out my growth and progress. They instilled me with so much learning and values. They taught me to appreciate things though how small or big it is. They formed and shaped me to be the person that I am right now. They are the most wonderful people in my life that will always be there for me no matter what will happen and one thing for sure, they will be the first people whom I'll going to see in my side if ever everybody will reject and neglect me.

If God will give me a chance to choose my own parents, I will still choose them and not even a single moment in my past will I change. Every single moment that I am with them is like heaven on earth.

You're amazing mom, just the way you are.
If there is one person who will ask me if how am I doing every after class, that would be my mom. She never failed to give us the love and care that we needed from her. She is my first educator who made our house not just a home but also a school of discipleship. She's the most beautiful woman for my dad and an amazing mom for me and for my younger brother. She will never be tired of serving us heartily to the extent that she can't sleep if ever one of us is not yet at home. She is a model of a good mother. She's always the one to attend our meetings, seminars, and affairs in our school. She's the one who will knock right in my door and ask me whether to review for my test or memorize my speech for that day if we have some events in school. She knows when I'm down and feels bad when I'm disappointed. She's the one who gave me advices and will tap my shoulder to keep up the good work. She's the one who prepares our breakfast and the only person whom I can rely my problems with. She's always in my side during my theater play and I can't forget that she cried after the play because of so much happiness. Mothers are always like that. They had this special trick to encourage their children in all aspects of their lives. I miss those days, those days with her.

The most beautiful woman in the whole world, my mom.

Last two years ago, my mom was diagnosed that she had a breast cancer, stage 3 already it was a malignant tumor. I, as her eldest and only daughter couldn't say how painful it was for me to hear something like that from the doctor but I needed to be strong and showed to her that there is still hope and we can surpass this trial. I was with her during her operation and the only powerful weapon that I have that time were prayers. She had survived the operation and thought that she will live long. She was so strong and optimistic even she already knew that sometime later, she will say goodbye. After two years since her operation, she cannot bare the sufferings anymore and let us be prepared for the possibilities that will going to happen. We did everything that we could possibly do but life was really too short for my mom. I talked to her and hugged her so tight the night before she died. I know that she knows how much I love her and how thankful I am to have her as my mother.

There's no word that could explain how painful it was. Yet, I needed to be strong for the sake of my dad and brother. I need to accept the reality that dying is part of life's cycle. I know for sure that my mom is already happy right now. She's living one of those mansions that Jesus Christ had promised us and feasting with Him in a banquet of satisfaction. The most painful in our life is when the one you truly love so much says goodbye to you and the only thing that you can do is to accept and let go. Parents, take good care of your children because they will someday grow and have their own lives too. For the children- value, respect and love your parents because they will not be with you forever.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


  "You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
"Success is that old ABC-Ability, Breaks and Courage."
Did you ever feel that other people will set the destiny for you? Did you ever feel that the whole world is against you? That you don't have any choice but to follow what was set for you? You're not alone. Many people felt the same way too. Good people are those who would follow the things that was told by them to do. But the best people are those who are not afraid to take risks for their happiness, a genuine happiness that entails your lifetime satisfaction. Who will break their walls and go out within their doors to follow their dreams. Human as we are, we walk life with so much pains and worries. We let our problems dominate over us. We let our insecurities control us. We let the expectations of others to set the frontiers of our destiny. We are afraid to commit mistakes because others might laugh at us. Leave and let them be. We are afraid of trying because we might fall. We are afraid and scared about many things that we forget that we have hands to catch both the good and bad things in life.

A famous quote said, "The beauty of their dreams belong to those who believe in it." I am pretty sure naive that this quote was not only made to make us feel awe but to make us realize that someone had written such inspirational quote because he/she had personally experienced how beautiful is it to believe in the power of your dreams. The first thing that you should be able to know is, "I CAN" We should believe in our capabilities and with ourselves that we can do things according to what we really wanted to happen. I am thrilled to know that there are really people who are willing to try and try for so many times and stop trying unless there is nothing left to take away. Believing with your skills that you can do such thing and having the confidence to show and express it to everybody will make you qualified for step two, the "I WILL" There is no harm in trying and there's nothing wrong to do things your way as long as you haven't step anyone's pride and ego. Sometimes, we cannot avoid this. In some cases, we're often too insensitive for the feelings of others without even knowing that we hurt them already. We are always given the chance to correct our mistakes. We can say sorry for so many times but the important thing here is, how sincere we are with all the apologies that we had made. "I WILL" is the attitude that you must have in order for you to be accountable with all the goals and aspirations that you can do, can reach and can achieve. As a person, you have this freewill to choose what will make you happy and satisfied. There are so many things which I believe is real and there are are a lot of things that made me hard to understand. With so many conventions in life, I am not a philosopher or the goddess of wisdom but my lips would always tell you that if you wanted to be successful, FOLLOW YOUR HEART. The third step is, "I'LL KEEP MOVING FORWARD" Do not be stable for betterment but always seek for the BEST. The last step don't have any ending because it is a continuous process until we get better and better until we become the best person that we could ever be. We will never stop believing, learning and experiencing things that will make you the person that you really wanted to be. If you doubt to believe to make impossible things possible, then this will be the right time to look back with all the efforts that you had exerted when the time you feel that life was hitting you so hard. On your way to your dreams, always be reminded that when you're at the top, there's no other way but going down. Do not be afraid. You might fall for so many times but there's always a reason for you to stand up and move forward again. Prove to those who belittled you that YOU CAN, YOU WILL and YOU'LL KEEP GOING. Always knock for the best and offer everything for HIS greater glory.