Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Happiness is..."

Happiness—simple but broad. If you will ask me what true happiness is, I will probably give you the biggest smile in my face. Human as we are, we have different views and perceptions about what true happiness is. For children, happiness is when they have a lot of chocolates and candy bars in their rain boots. For students, happiness is when they have a surprise test the next day and still have good scores. For businessmen, it is when they doubled up their sales. For teachers, is it when they can see that their students are learning from them. For parents, happiness is when they can see that their children are all stable and progressing. For me, happiness is when I wake up each morning and knowing that I am given another chance, another opportunity, another day to make other people happy and inspired because of me. 

Happiness is an honest feeling that you truly feel without any doubts and questions. It is something that you truly feel inside that you already wanted to explode and just share this feeling to anybody you like. You may think that I am just a shallow person, but I am happy because this shallowness in me made me the true and the real person that I am right now. I smile without any reason. How much more if there is? This is not because I am insane, but I just can’t believe how brilliant our Creator is in making everything perfect according to His plan and will. I am happy every time I watch the sun rising up again which reminds me that every day is a new beginning for me. I feel happy to see my loved ones tapping back my shoulder because they just made me realize that even though the whole world is against me, I still have them to bring out the best in me. I feel happy every time I harvest a lot of good grains after every hardwork that I made. I feel happy every time I can see people around me because they are just a manifestation that I am not carrying the whole world and I don’t need to condemn myself whenever I fail because everybody deserves a second chance to correct our flaws and imperfections. I am happy to think that I have problems because in that way, I can guarantee that I am still living in a normal way. Funny isn’t it? These simple things made me happy because happiness is something that you should feel by heart. True happiness freely comes out and your smile says it all. I write as if I don’t have any boundaries and limitations, as if I don’t have any fears and worries, but candidly, I know what life is when it strikes you hard in your face. I know how it feels when my knees are shaking whenever I’m afraid. I am not molded perfectly but instead, I was shaped to improve and become better. Happiness for me is when I feel every pain that is inside me because in that way, I never missed anything about myself and I will never take criticisms from others negatively because I know myself better than them. Happiness is when you are not crossing your hands to avoid any misfortunes but instead, opening your hands wide to receive both bad and good things in life. Happiness is when I am closer to my dreams and goals in life that I can almost taste its sweetness and when that time comes, I will prove to you that being happy is not just about acquiring material things, it is beyond that and it is beyond measure. Nobody can buy real happiness because genuine happiness is priceless. Yes, being happy might be a choice to others, but I tell you, it is more sincere and beautiful if you’ll make it an attitude, something which is real, something true and honest. Happiness is when I get lost and find myself back again. Happiness is when I love and be loved. Happiness is when I made you smile in reading this one and I am happy for giving me your time.

You and I might differ in so many things. I might have different things which I believe is true and yours are the very opposite one. We might differ on the things that will make us happy but still, I truly believe that we have the same destination—we feel happy because we let ourselves indulge to that happiness.